Wednesday, June 1, 2011

9 Months


There are moments it seems like our baby seems less and less like a baby and becoming more of a little boy.  He seems to changing by the day...I keep telling him to slow down! He seems to be understanding so much more language and baby signs and trying to communicate his wishes by showing excitement or reaching for things.  He is starting to wave "hi" and "bye" although still not consistent, I think Daisy gets more "hellos" and "goodbyes" and than anyone else.  Still is so snugglgy and loving and now will crawl into our laps and lay his head on our shoulder to be snuggled.  Has loved being outside (when we have good weather) more and playing with his new toys in our yard.  Also, continues to be flexible and easy going with our spontaneous and on-the-go life style...travels like a champ too! So here is the latest in the life of little Carson John...

Golf Tournament Charity Event

- He drank from a bottle all on his own, likes to play with it more than actually drink
- Has mastered the roll both ways and uses it to get to the next place of interest
- First foods- bagel and cream cheese, smoothie, quesadilla, grilled squash/zucchini, cheese, honeydew, stir fry and brown rice, cereal bar, eggs, sausage, lasagna, beef stew, spaghetti, turkey meatballs, cherries, strawberries, grapes, and salmon.  Basically any and everything we are eating Carson wants!
- Set up his sandbox in the backyard

- Gets onto his knees from sitting

- Walks well assisted, someone holding both hands
- Celebrated my first Mother's Day at Carson's 1st baseball game
Love my little boy

1st of many River Cats Games

- Began side stepping while holding onto an cruises between the couch, his standing toys, chairs, people, his push toys and getting pretty fast
 - Loves standing up to play, and finds it especially fun to take everything off the shelves in the playroom...this is a really fun game for Mommy too

- Went down a slide for the first time at swim lessons
- Scoots backwards on his tummy...still no forward mobility
- Will twist and spin on his tummy to get to a new toy
- 2nd haircut...and traumatic for everyone- Carson didn't like the clippers and Mikey and I were VERY sad that it ended up way shorter than planned and he lost his little fohawk.  Don't worry though it will be back and we promise hair trims in the future, no more hair cuts!
So it was definitely time for a hair cut though

- Got to play in his sprinkler toy for the first time

- Went to Santa Cruz to visit the Gillespies and stayed in a hotel for the first time
Playing in the sand

1st hotel stay..,and 1st ever sleeping through the night!

Meeting baby Nora

- Had our first night of no nighttime nursing (5/22) Hooray! And we haven't gone back to it...just a midnight pacifier retrieval or quick "i love you" is all we need at night now!
- 1st wagon ride to the park
- 1st time riding in his big boy carseat

And some of our favorite things...
food- blueberries, yogurt, Mum Mums, meatballs, salmon, bananas, muffins, pasta, grilled squash, strawberries, cherries...
toys- a light stick (by far our absolute favorite), small books, cars, balls, music table, play kitchen, playing in his sandbox, and swinging in a swing
And a few favorite photos from the month...

Till next month!

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