Tuesday, February 8, 2011

5 months

Carson is now a big 5 month old, and even harder to believe next month will mark 1/2 a year with our little sweet boy.  I felt like between 3 and 4 months nothing major changed other than better sleep (which we have since lost), but boy between 4 and 5 months SO much has changed in our little guy.  To me he is totally a little boy now with personality and all and so much fun to be around, not that he wasn't before, but now he really is!

All our new tricks, adventures and milestones we can remember....

- We think the start of our first tooth might be coming through, can see a little white mark that our pediatrician noticed at his 4 mos check up
1st rice cereal

- He LOVES his food and can't seem to get enough of it, before 5 months he tried rice cereal, pears, butternut squash, bananas and avocado
- Finally, we got rid of the swaddle at night, it was time for our baby to sleep like a big boy, although I do miss my baby burrito
- On his tummy is reaching and grabbing for toys and anything within close proximity
- Began passing toys from one hand to another

- Loves people's faces and grabbing your nose and mouth and even more so loves you pretending to "eat" his hands, thinks this is hysterical
- Is now a cloth diaper baby, and has a pretty darn cute bottom now too!

- Sits pretty well on his own with a few wobbles
His all time favorite toy

- Enjoys swings at the park and in general being outside
Family snow day

- Our dog and cats are the best entertainment in his mind

- Giggles and smiles so much more

LOVE, LOVE this boy!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! So much fun to read since Ben is at the exact same stage. We REALLY need to get rid of the swaddle because he is going to grow out of it soon. So hard because it works so well! How did you do it?
