Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lets play catch up...14, 15 and 16 mos!

Fell so far behind with the holidays, illness, finding out we were pregnant and not to mention chasing around a busy toddler during all of this. But, needless to say here is our not so little boy, who is growing so fast over the past few months!

14 MONTHS...
- Stomps his feet
- Signs- eat, light, train
- Says- outside "ou da", Nana, duck "duc", truck "trua", banana "nana",tractor "tra-cer", diaper "dy-ber", Mum Mum, "nigh nigh" for paci/tired/nap, more, hi "aye", stuck "stu-k", help "ha"
- New foods- raisins

- Sticks out his tongue if you ask "Where is your tongue?"
- Spun in a circle while standing

- Top L molar came in
- Went to the pumpkin patch a couple of times
- Played in the rain for the first time

- Identifies pictures in books- dog, lion, bear, etc.
- Cleans up when he is asked or hears the clean up song and is a helper...helps put laundry away, takes out the clean dishes

- Fed the giraffe at the Zoo
- Climbs down stairs
- Can go up and down the slide on his tummy on his own
- Got his first real hair cut at a place...slightly traumatic for everyone, but we survived


- New foods- tri tip, carrot fries, katchup, pizza, jello (at great grandmas), doughnut...clearly we are onto the not so healthy foods!
- New words- sock/shoe ("suc"), hot ("haa"), hat ("ha")...they do sound different, shoes ("shooz"), whoa/wow, foot, touch, talk, bell, eyes, off, out chair and trash ("tra")
- Began pairing two words together "more dadda" "more truck"

- Signs- fish and bunny
- Completely weaned from nursing on his own just after turning 14 mos old
- Can scoot forward on ride-ons now

- Does some motions to songs- "Choo choo" in Little Red Caboose; will clap, stomp and bounce to If Your Happy; claps for Open and Shut Them
- 1st time Trick or Treating on Halloween and was a Tiger this Year!

- Working on eating with a spoon on his own
- Can point to some body parts- eyes, hair, tongue, belly button, mouth, teeth and toes
- Blows kisses
- Does "knock knock" on doors, walls

- Holds the phone to his ear and says "O O" for hello
- Got his top Rt molar and bottom L molar
- Makes sounds for cars and trucks

- 15 mos appt. 31 inches and 23 lbs 4 1/2 oz
- Sits at his little table for snacks

16 MONTHS....

- Says- "hi dadda", "ooo" for a cow, " hi daisy", "peas" for please, chips, "a- lle-sau" for applesauce, cat, sit, "maa" for milk, book, "baa" for bath, "bye bye", bowl, "tay" for take, ball, "bay-bee" for baby, "burr" for bird, popper, mess, "Ya ya" for Ryken, house, "k- da" for Kinley

- Signs- please (rubs two hands together), airplane, milk

- Got his top L fang tooth, bottom RT molar
- Celebrated Thanksgiving and got to help announce he is going to be a BIG brother

- Mommy and Daddy had their first overnight away since Carson's arrival. He did great with his Auntie and Uncle!

- Threw up for the first time...a lovely milestone to remember...poor guy
- Ended up with his first ear infection and on antibiotics for the 1st time
- Helped pick out and decorate the Christmas tree

- Has a fake laugh...pretty hilarious and he knows it