Tuesday, August 30, 2011

1 Year Old!

We are still getting acquainted with the idea that we have a 1 year old! Not a baby, but a toddler who seems to be more of a little boy than a baby by the day. It has been such a fun and fast moving month for us...full of so many new things! He is surprising us all the time by doing things and saying things he couldn't do just moments before. And yes, we as parents survived our 1st year of parenthood...I'd say quite well too. This momma and dada couldn't be more proud of our little guy for all that he has learned and done this past year and we can't wait to see who he will continue to become.
So here is the last month of his 1st year...

- Got teeth # 6, 7 and 8...lots of chompers now

- Can stand alone without support

- Crawled for the first time...to be followed by his first steps 3 days later in the Denver airport!

- New foods- cream of wheat, popsicle (welcome to vacation and family), turkey lunch meat, kidney beans, ham, asparagras

- Went on his first airplane ride and was such a great traveler

- Climbs stairs independently

- Went to his first water park and professional baseball game in WI

- Gives hugs and kisses when asked for them...the sweetest thing ever...melts my heart everytime

- "Claps" mostly if he is holding things in both hands though

- 1st fat lip, sad day...a run-in with the sippy cup while drinking and walking

- 1st cows milk and began to self wean off nursing

- Now points with pointer finger at things to communicate and quite persistent about it I'll say :)

- Can bend over to pick things up and stand back up without falling over

- Pats knees or toys to the beat when listening to music

- Requests to be sung to, a favorite Listen to Me Play My Drum...over and over and over and over

- Can maneuver when walking- stop/turn

- Got a slide from Mema and is learning to climb up and go down

- Growls (on command and randomly when playing)

- Did his first pudding painting

- Had his First Birthday!

Some words he says now....

dat (that)
uh oh
dais (daisy)

bup bup (up)
dis/this (this)
ohhhh, whoaa

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