Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy 3 Months Little Buddy!

Monthly Photo with Hungry Hungry Hippo

Time continues to fly! We are now 3 months old and I can't believe it! He is continuing to change by the day it seems and more than ever I wish I could slow down time. Occassionally I will find myself thinking I can't wait till he can do this or I can't wait till he is old enough so we can do that. I keep reminding myself it will be here all too quickly and to savor where he is at now before it passes.

So 3 months pass and this is who our little boy has become....

- Talks, talks, talks...and louder by the day it seems! And more than ever chooses to be chatty while nursing which now makes that process way more long, but way more fun.
- Sleeps for the most part from 7:30 pm- 7 am waking at 2 am and 5 am to eat. Apparently we are growing a big boy!

- Loves sitting the Bumbo, high chair, bouncer, a name it he'll sit in it.
- Enjoys reading books
- Is getting more coordinated a grabbing and holding toys, blankets, clothes, hair...
- Recently tried the jumperoo, doesn't get the jumping part, but none the less loves it.

- Which brings me to he loves to stand and getting quite strong at it!
- Smiles more and more

- Is a momma's boy! Which I love, but can be hard for getting breaks, thankfully he loves daddy A LOT too!
- Finally takes a pacifier and holds it in himself...only after trying every one made.

- Although is seeming like a thumb sucker the more coordinated he gets.
- Can lift his head and hold it up on his tummy for longer periods of time.
- Laughs! By far my favorite new thing!
- Splashes in the bath tub
- Still loves snuggling and napping with us
- Enjoys being sung to, even if mommy's voice isn't the best

I am constantly in amazement of him and who he is becoming.  Nothing could possibly be better than being his parents!


  1. I hope you don't mind me blog stalking you now. =) what a cute little family you have.


  2. Not at all! You might say I blog stalk you from time to time to see you beautiful little girl!
